Planning & Strategy

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Terms and Conditions

Planning & Strategy

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Terms and Conditions is the official website of Otet Group Ltd. company hereinafter referred to as the ompany.
Any reference to ‘us’, ‘our‘, ‘we’ or the Company in this document is a reference to Trader Orbit55 LTD. Ompany as the context requires unless otherwise stated.Your access to and use of this website is subject to these terms and conditions, our Client Agreement, and any notices, disclaimers or other terms and conditions or other statements contained on this website (referred to collectively as ‘Terms and Conditions’). By using this website, you agree to be subject to the Terms and Conditions.
The information contained on this website is not guaranteed, is strictly for information purposes nly and subject to change without notice. Although this material is based upon information that the Company considers reliable and endeavours to keep current, it does not warrant that the  information or materials are current or accurate at all times and it should not be relied upon as such. To the extent permitted by law, the Company does not accept any responsibility arising in any way from errors in, or omissions from, this information.
The products and services described on the website vary from time to time and may not always be available or may be restricted.
The content should not be construed in any way as a recommendation or investment advice. is the official website of Otet Group Ltd. company hereinafter referred to as the ompany.
Any reference to ‘us’, ‘our‘, ‘we’ or the Company in this document is a reference to Trader Orbit55 LTD. Ompany as the context requires unless otherwise stated.Your access to and use of this website is subject to these terms and conditions, our Client Agreement, and any notices, disclaimers or other terms and conditions or other statements contained on this website (referred to collectively as ‘Terms and Conditions’). By using this website, you agree to be subject to the Terms and Conditions.
The information contained on this website is not guaranteed, is strictly for information purposes nly and subject to change without notice. Although this material is based upon information that the Company considers reliable and endeavours to keep current, it does not warrant that the  information or materials are current or accurate at all times and it should not be relied upon as such. To the extent permitted by law, the Company does not accept any responsibility arising in any way from errors in, or omissions from, this information.
The products and services described on the website vary from time to time and may not always be available or may be restricted.
The content should not be construed in any way as a recommendation or investment advice.

Terms and Definitions

Abnormal market conditions mean Fast market. Account history means a list of completed transactions and non-trading operations on the Client’s account. Account type means the terms of the trading account. The types of accounts offered by broker are listed on the Trading Terms web page. The Client cannot change the type of account once it has been created. Affiliated accounts are the trading accounts opened by affiliated persons noticed by the use (but not limited to) of the same identification details, payment or network details (accounts managed from one IP address, or/and with the same cid are deemed as a single trading account). Affiliated persons are the individuals, whose relationships can impact on the terms or financial results of the Company's activity. Affiliated persons can be deemed as such if their passport details, address, phone number, email address, IP address, cid, payment details etc are the same. Ask means the higher price in the quotation; the price the Client can buy. Balance means the total financial result of all completed transactions and depositing/withdrawal operations (except for credit operations) on the trading account. Bar/Candle means a feature of a price chart that shows the opening and closing prices, as well as the lowest and highest prices for a definite period of time (for example, 1 minute, 5 minutes, a day, a week). Base currency means the first currency in a currency pair or the currency in which the asset, underlying the Contract for Difference (CFD), is nominated. Bid means the lower price in the quotation; the price the Client can sell at. CFD (Contract for Difference) means a contract, which is a contract for difference by reference to fluctuation in the price of the underlying asset (shares, futures, metals, indices etc.) Clearing means non-cash settlement between Company and its contractors, banks and liquidity providers implemented through mutual settlement based on the terms of cooperation. When clearing is conducted, no quotations are present on trading server, (non)-trading operations are prohibited. Client agreement means the agreement between the Company and the Client, which together with the Regulations on Trading Operations, Regulations on Non-Trading Operations, Risk Disclosure statement govern the terms by which the Company works with the Client. Client means a legal entity or individual who works with the Company through agreements that involve margin transactions. Client's e-mail - e-mail address specified in the Client's Personal account ( Requests sent from other email addresses will not be considered by the Company.

Client terminal log-file means the file created by the client terminal which records all Client requests and instructions to the Dealer with accuracy to the second. Client terminal means the software product which is used by the Client to get information on trading in financial markets (in the volume determined by Company) in a real-time mode, conduct technical analysis of markets, implement transactions, send/edit/cancel orders as well as to receive information messages from Company. Price charts in the terminal are built on the basis of Bid prices. The program can be downloaded on the Company’s website. Closed position means a result ofcovering an opened position by the opposite position. As a result of closing of a position the Company has an obligation to fix floating profit/loss on balance of the Client. Company is legal entity, which provides services in accordance with the Client Agreement and its annexes. Company's website is the website of the Company located online at http://www.otetmarkets.c m. Contract specifications mean the primary trading conditions (spread, lot size, the minimum volume of a transaction, swaps, initial margin, etc.) for every financial instrument. For more information about trading conditions go to the Client terminal. Contractors and partners of the Company are liquidity providers, banks, brokers and other organizations the Company cooperates with. Conversion arbitrage operations mean transactions between the Company and the Client concerning buying or selling currency contracts or CFD. Currency of account means funds or underlying asset in which the sum amount of all trading and non-trading operations are nominated and calculated including floating profit and loss, commission payments, marginal requirements. Currency of account can be USA Dollars (USD), Euro (EUR) and other currencies specified in the website of the company. Currency of account is selected when trading account is opened and cannot be changed in the future. Currency means the object of transaction based on the change in the value of one currency against the other. Demo account - a training trading account with virtual funds provided by the Company, designed for trading without using real money. This account will not be taken into account in the Personal account, withdrawal and transfer to other accounts cannot be made. Dispute means:
1) a conflict arising when the Client believes that the Company, as a result of any action or failure to act has breached one or more of the Terms of Business;
2) the Company believes that the Client as a result of any action or failure to act has breached one or more of the Terms of Business;
3) when the Client makes a trade on an error quote (spike), or before the first quote comes to the Trading Platform at market opening, or on a quote received by the Client due to manifest error on the part of the Company or software failure on the Trading Platform. Dynamic password means a code intended for withdrawal of funds from the Client’s trading account. The dynamic password is sent as SMS to the Client’s mobile phone number specified by the account registration.
All withdrawal requests from trading account that are not confirmed by a dynamic password shall be automatically rejected. Equity means a provided part of the Client’s account with regard to open positions; equity is calculated as follows: Balance + Floating Profit/Loss + Swap. These are assets on the Client’s account reduced by the current loss with regard to the open positions and enlarged by the current profit with regard to the open positions. Expert advisor, Mechanical Trading System means an algorithm for managing the trading account in the form of program written in a specialized Meta Quotes language which automatically directs requests and orders to the server, using the Client’s terminal. Client bears the full responsibility for actions done by the Expert Advisor. Explicit error means either the execution (processing) of an order on the quote which does not correspond with an actual average price level at the time of the implementation of such an operation, or the execution in contradiction to the Company's regulation documents and/or common business practice. Fast market means a market characterized by rapid price fluctuations over a short period of time often causing price gaps. A fast market may occur immediately before or after important events such as:
a) Release of influential macroeconomic indicators for the global economy;
b) Decisions by central banks on interest rates;
c) Press conferences and statements by central banks officials, heads of state, financial ministers or other significant announcements
d) Government intervention in the currency market
e) Terrorist attacks of great impact
f) Natural disasters leading to the declaration of a state of emergency (or comparable measures) in the affected regions
g) War or other significant military actions
h) Political force majeure: dismissal or appointment (including election results) of top government officials
i) Other events which cause significant price movements.
Feed means quotes on each instrument entering the trading platform. Financial instruments mean currency pairs and CFD contracts available for trading. Financial result is a profit or loss, formed based on Client’s trading operations together with all swaps and commissions. When opening a transaction, it will be considered in the Equity, when closing a transaction, it will be considered in Balance. Fixed spread implies permanent difference between Bid and Ask of financial instrument. The majority of assets have fixed spread. Floating profit/loss means floating (unrealized) profit (loss) with regard to open positions at the current quotes. Floating spread implies dynamic (changes over the time) difference between Bid and Ask of financial asset. The majority of assets have floating spread.Force majeure means unforeseen and unpreventable events such as:

a) nature disaster;
b) war;
c) terrorist
d) Acts of government;
e) hackers' attacks and other illegal actions against the Company.
Free margin means equity not employed in the opening of a position and can be used for new positions. Free margin is calculated as follows: Free Margin = Equity – Margin. Calculation of free margin for new positions is based on the formula:
1. Volume of client position and new margin are defined: for locked positions it is based on the margin required to cover trades, for other positions it is based on the initial margin which is defined by weighted average price (regarding volume) of all positions with the exception of covered;
2. Entire current Floating profit/loss on all open positions is defined based on current prices;
3. Free Margin formula: Free Margin = Balance – New Margin + Floating Profit/Floating Loss. Freeze level means the range of points in each side of the price declared by customer at which the order must be executed (opening prices of the pending order, stop-loss or take profit prices of the open position). If the current market price is in the established range, then order may be banned, changed deleted or closed. During the main time trading is usually performed without order freeze levels, but when sharp price changes of financial instruments are happened (after the issuance of fundamental data, interventions in illiquid marketetc.), the company has right to set freeze levels up to 3 standard spreads. Gap (price range) means a situation when the current quote differs from the previous one in more than a spread size. It may occur both within a trading session on publication of relevant macroeconomic data, economic and political news or in case of force majeure events and at the market opening after weekends and holidays. Hedged margin means the margin required by the Company to maintain locked positions. The details for each instrument are specified in the contract specifications on the Company's website and in its trading server. The margin is taken for each covered lot based on the value specified in “Hedging” field in properties of the instruments. If initial margin is set for the contract, hedged margin has the money expression. Inactive account is an account, on which there no operations are initiated by the Client for more than 30 (thirty) calendar days (deposits, withdrawals, trading operations). Instrument means currency pair or Contract for Difference. Internal exchange rates of the Company — quotes (prices), at which the Company converts funds or assets of Clients during the execution of non-trading operations. Internal exchange rates are set at the discretion of the Company and may be changed at any time without notifying the Clients, depending on the market situation, market volatility and other external and internal factors. Up-to-date rates are published in the Client area and include: Internal exchange rate on depositing (crediting) is used for conversion funds or assets sent from the Client’s payment details, when crediting funds to the Client’s account in the Company. Internal exchange rate on withdrawal is used for conversion funds or assets sent from the Client’s account in the Company to the Client’s payment details. Internal exchange rate on transfers is used for conversion funds or assets when transferring funds between accounts in the Company denominated in different currencies. Interdependent accounts (Interdependent Personal Areas) - trading accounts (Personal Areas) opened by the interdependent individuals, including but not limited to the intersection of identity, payment and network data of the Partner and the Client (accounts trading from the same IP address and/or with the same CID are regarded as one active account), opening of oppositely directed trades on the same or correlated instruments. Interdependent individuals -individuals whose inner relationships can impact on the financial condition or financial results of the Partner and the Company. Labor hours of the Company means a time interval within a working week, when the trading terminal of the Company provides transacting with standard currency contracts as well as with standard CFD contracts, except weekends and holidays, temporary changes of the internal service of the Company and a period of time when services cannot be provided to the Clients for some technical reasons. In such cases, the Company is obliged to take measures to inform the Client on the changes concerning the routine of work and give the chance to the Client to eliminate the currency risks appearing as a result of the foresaid. Leverage means ratio between the transaction volume (in terms of currency) and the margin. The leverage 1:100 means that the Client needs a sum in 100 times less than it is needed to open a position. Liquidity provider – partner of the company: broker, bank or ECN providing streaming quotes and used by the company to hedge clients’ trades. Limit & Stop Levels are the minimal distance in points from the Open level to current prices, works for all types of orders: Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Stop Limit, and Sell Stop Limit. Locked (covered) positions mean long and short positions of the same size opened on the same trading account with regard to the same instrument. Long position (Buy) means market liability, the number of bought contracts on financial instrument expecting rise in quotation. With regard to currency pairs: buying the base currency for the quoted one with regard to CFD: buying base asset CFD for quoted currency. Lot, Lot Size means a conditional indication of the number of base currency, shares or basis asset as defined for financial instrument. Lot size (contract size) means a measure unit of the trade volume (for example, 1.00 lot = 100,000 base currencies), it's specified on the Company's Trading Server and in the Contracts specification on the Company's website. Margin means the money security required to open and maintain trading positions. In general case, margin for Client account is the sum of margin requirements on all open positions with the exception of covered (hedged or locked) positions. Covered positions are the positions opened for one contract in opposite directions. Margin is different for various financial instruments and its level is specified in trading server of the Company. Client does not show it in properties of contracts. Margin for each contract (instrument) is specified on the Company's website. Margin call means a warning that informs a trader on insufficient funds required for maintaining open positions which, in some cases, can lead to closing positions without notification to the Client. Occurs when Margin level is equal or less than Margin call, which is specified in the section "Trading conditions" on the company's website. Margin level is the key level of account characterizing if the funds on trading account are enough to maintain open traders. It is calculated based on the formula: Margin level = Equity/Margin * 100%. If Margin level falls below allowed level set by the Trading Procedures, Stop Out Occurs. Market order is the trading instruction of Client to Company to Open/Close of financial instrument based on current price. Market price available means a quote at which a liquidity provider executes the Client’s order. The Company cannot guarantee the execution of the order at a price better than the price offered by a liquidity provider. The accuracy of quotations is determined by the Company, at its sole discretion. Margin trading means leverage trading when the Customer may make transactions having far less funds on his trading account. Market opening means the time when the market opens after weekends, holidays or trading session time gaps. Non-trading operation means deposit/withdrawal of funds or providing/return of a bonus or a credit. Normal market conditions mean:
a) no considerable breaks in the flow of quotes
b) low volatility
c) no large price gaps.
Open position means market liability, number of bought and sold contracts on financial instrument not covered by the opposite buy (sell) of the contract. In this case the Client shall be obliged to maintain equity not lower than pointed in Regulations on Trading Operations. Order level means the price specified in the order. Order means the Client’s instruction to the Company to buy or sell a financial instrument. There are two types of orders: market order and pending order. Pending order means a request from the Client to the Dealer to carry out an order (open or close position, place an order) once the price reaches the level of the pending order. The Client may place pending orders of the following types: Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop Limit, and Sell Stop Limit. Personal area means the Client’s personal web-page where the Client’s contact details are specified as well as deposit/withdrawal requests and feedback to the Company are carried out. Photo ID means high quality photo of the Client holding his/her identification document. Face of the Client and his/her identification document should be clear and well visible. Graphical editor usage for adjustment of the photo is prohibited. Point (Pip) means a minimal change of the instrument rate. Position means market liability, number of bought and sold contracts on financial instrument. Promotion account (account that is a part of promo) - a special trading account where trading is done with money given by the Company. The Company's money and money received as a result of trading operations on the promotion account shall be used in accordance with the terms of promo activated. Quote currency means the second currency in the currency pair which can be bought or sold by the Customer for the base currency. Quote means the price of one currency quoted in terms of another (Bid/Ask). Quotes base means information about the stream of quotes. Quoting means the process of providing the Client with quotes. Rate means 1) for the currency pair: the value of the base currency in the terms of the quote currency; 2) for CFD: the value of the unit of the underlying asset in terms of money. Request means Client’s order to the Company given to obtain a quote. Client is not obliged to implement a transaction on making such a request. Server log means a file where the server protocols all requests and orders received from the Client as well as the result of their processing with a pinpoint accuracy. Short position (Sell) means market liability, number of sold contracts on financial instrument held with the expectation of the asset falling in value. In currency trading it means buying the quote currency and selling the base currency. As applied to the Contracts for Difference: selling the base asset CFD for quoted currency. Specification of contracts – are the main trading terms (trading schedule, lot volume, minimum volume, margin, spread, minimum levels, swap etc.) for each financial instrument. A full specification of contracts is represented on the website of Company. Spike means an error quote with the following characteristics: a significant price gap; in a short period of time the price rebounds with a price gap; before it appears, there is no rapid price movements. Company has a right to remove non market quote from the quote base of the trading server. Spread means the difference between the buying rate and the selling rate of a currency pair or a CFD contract at the present moment. Stop out means an automatic trade server's command to close one or more open positions without any prior notification to the Client. Occurs due to insufficient funds required for maintaining open positions in trader's account when Margin level is equal or less than Stop out level, which is specified in the section "Trading conditions" on the company's website. Swap (Rollover) means the amounts charged off or credited to the Client’s account for the position prolongation (transfer) to the next day. Calculation and fixing of swaps occur at the last moment trading days on server time (from 23:59 till). Swap sizes are determined in the contract specifications on the web site of the Company. Telephone password (Code word) means an additional password of the Client, which is used without fail when executing transactions by telephone. Ticket means the unique identity number assigned to each trading and non trading operation. Trade means buying or selling a financial instrument. Buy operation is carried out at Ask price, and Sell operation is carried out at Bid price. A trade may be executed as a result of market order or pending order. Trading account means the special personal account opened by the Client with the Company where the obligations between the Company and the Client are conducted which arise from the trading and non-trading operations made within the scope of the Agreement.
Trading commission is the fee incurred by the Company from Client for conducting a Trading operation. Trading instruction means Client’s order to the Company to open or close a position or to place, modify, delete an order. Trading operation means buying or selling of any financial instrument with the intention of the opposite transaction (selling or buying, respectively) of the same instrument and amount. Trading platform time zone means Eastern European Time, EET is equal to GMT+2 in winter and GMT+3 in summer. Graphics in terminal as well as recording of any event in the log file of a trading server are reflected according to EET. Trading server of the Company means software of Meta Trader Server by means of which Client’s instructions and requests are processed, the information on trading in financial markets (in the volume determined by the Company) is provided in real time mode, the mutual obligations between the Company and the Client as well as adherence to contract specifications and restrictions are registered. Transaction means a conversion of funds from the base currency (asset) to the quote currency and vice versa as a result of trading operations. Transaction size means lot size multiplied by the number of lots. Type of account – the terms of working on trading account. The list of types of accounts offered by the Company is based in Trading Terms section on its website. Type of account is set when Client registers an account and cannot be amended later. Volume of trading operation – product of a number of lots by volume of lot.

Risk Disclosure Statement
  1. The Client makes aware and guarantees that he/she has carefully considered a part of his/her asset (Owned Capital) as the Risk Capital. The Client acknowledges that the Risk Capital is an amount of money that he/she wants to dispose at risk and the loss of this amount will not much affect his/her prosperity.
  2. The Client must be aware that the risk of loss in trading foreign exchange and CFD can be rather substantial. Therefore, the Client needs to analyze their financial potential with regard to transactions very carefully.
  3. When Client opens account, he/she selects currency of deposit on his/her own (from those offered by Company). In this currency all trading and non-trading operations on account are nominated settled and that includes floating profit and loss, commission payments, and marginal requirements. Client accepts and acknowledges all risks arising in the result of change of currency of deposit and is fully responsible for such consequences.
  4. When making non-trading operations, the Client independently chooses the method and currency of transfer from the list proposed by the Company. The Client is aware of and takes into account all the risks arising from changes in the Company's internal exchange rates, and fully responsible for their consequences.
  5. The Client is subject to loss of all his initial equity and any additional equity deposited to support and maintain positions in the market. Besides, market conditions can result in loss on positions that will exceed remains of the money funds on a trading account of Client.
  6. Placing of such limit orders as Stop-Loss will not necessarily limit your losses to the intended amounts, as it may be impossible to execute such orders under certain market conditions.
  7. A high level of fluctuations often observed in the foresaid trading with regard to not high margin requirements can work for you as well as against you. Using fluctuations may result in both great loss and great profit. The Client shall hold full responsibility for all risks, financial resources used and the chosen trading strategy.
  8. When executing trading operations through the client terminal, the Client shall assume the risk of financial loss, which can be caused by
  9. a) The failure of Client hardware, software and internet connection;
  10. b) The improper operation of Client equipment;
  11. c) The wrong settings in the client terminal;
  12. d) Delayed client terminal updates;
  13. e) The Client’s ignorance of the applicable rules described in the MetaTrader User Guide.
  14. The Client shall acknowledge that only one request or instruction is in the queue of instructions/orders. Any other request or instruction submitted by the Client can be declined.
  15. The Client shall acknowledge that the only reliable source of quoting information is the server for Clients with live accounts. The quote base in the client terminal shall not be considered a reliable source of quoting information, as in the case of high market volatility or bad connection between the client terminal and the server, some of the quotes simply may not reach the client terminal.
  16. The Client shall acknowledge that when the Client closes the window to place/modify/delete an order, as well as the window to open/close a position, the instruction or request which has been sent to the server will not be cancelled.
  17. The Client knows and agrees that upon Stop Out (situation, when Margin Level is equal or bellow Stop-out value determined in Trading Conditions section on the website of the Company) open positions' liquidation is implemented automatically and does not depend on the actions of the Company. Any intervention on the part of the Company is unacceptable.
  18. The Client knows and agrees that trade server checks if there's sufficient Free Margin level on the trading account during the request of the Client for opening new position, however, it does not consider upcoming expenses for spread and commission for maintaining the current position. Due to high leverage the Client may open position of such a volume that actual expenses for spread and commission will lead to insufficient funds on trading account and forced closing of positions (situation, when Margin Level is equal or bellow Stop-out value determined in Trading Conditions section on the website of the Company).

In this case the Client shall be liable for losses arising from this situation because the Client determines volume of his/her new positions.

  1. The Client is to make aware that the Company is not liable for the losses caused, directly or indirectly, by the restrictions imposed by the government, currency or market rules, interruption of trading in financial markets, military operations or any other conditions, usually specified as “force majeure” and which are beyond the Company’s control.
  2. Transact by means of electronic trading system may differ not only from transacting in the interbank market, but as well from transacting based on other trading systems. In case the Client transacts by means of electronic trading system he/she runs the risk regarding the electronic trading system, including any software problems.
  3. The Client undertakes to keep the passwords secret and make sure that no third persons receive the access to the Personal Area and trading accounts. The Client is bound with obligations on trade in relation to the Company on trades conducted with Client’s password usage, even if the latter is used by a third person.
  4. In case any quote failure arises, the Company is entitled to make any amendments necessary and regulate any disputable questions at the moment of the failure arising.
  5. The Company is not liable for payments processing time, any delay, failure or disconnection in work of banks and/or payment systems used by the Client, resulting from the fault of third parties. The Company shall not reimburse for any direct or indirect loss and moral damage regarding any consequences of such delays, failures and/or disconnections.
  6. Client agrees that the Company shall not be liable for his inability to authorize in the Client Area or trading account.
  7. The present brief risks notification does not cover all the risks arising from implementing of trading transactions on financial markets.
Privacy Policy

One of the main priorities of the Company is to protect the privacy and safeguard of the personal and financial information of our current and potential clients and website visitors. It is explained in following Security Policy statement how the Company collects, processes and protects the information. In Security Policy it is described how the Company preserves the confidentiality of personal data of the Clients and network users. By using the official web-site of the Company (hereinafter the Site) you accept the given Security Policy. Note: the present policy extends only on the Company’s site and does not extend on websites of other companies, persons or the organizations references on which contains the web site.c

One of the main priorities of the Company is to protect the privacy and safeguard of the personal and financial information of our current and potential clients and website visitors. It is explained in following Security Policy statement how the Company collects, processes and protects the information. In Security Policy it is described how the Company preserves the confidentiality of personal data of the Clients and network users. By using the official web-site of the Company http../ (hereinafter the Site) you accept the given Security Policy. Note: the present policy extends only on the Company’s site and does not extend on websites of other companies, persons or the organizations references on which contains the web site.

AML & KYC Policy

1 . Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policy
Otet Group Ltd. (hereinafter called as the “Company” or “we” or “our” or “us”) is registered and authorised by the Marshall Islands by number 118922. The Company is working hard to create a culture that helps detect and report any incidences of money laundering and/or terrorist financing. The company is committed to be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations regarding anti money laundering and terrorist financing in the Cayman Islands.

2. Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
It is our major responsibility, among others, to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. On one hand, the money laundering is a financial crime committed by someone who is making the possession, use or disposal of money or other property obtained from criminal activities appear to be legal. On the other hand, terrorist financing is the process by which terrorists fund their operations in order to perform terrorist acts. Terrorists need financial support to carry out their activities and to achieve their goals. There is little difference between terrorists and other criminals in their abuse of the financial system. While different from money laundering, terrorists often exploit similar weaknesses in the financial system. The Anti Money Laundering Compliance Program is designed to prevent the firm from forming business relationships or from carrying out one-off transactions with or for another person or client unless the firm can:Clearly establish the identity of the person or client;
 Maintain record keeping procedures in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; and  Apply appropriate internal controls and communication. o The Company has put in place a robust governance framework throughout the organisation for managing risk and AML compliance.o The Company’s AML governance framework is made up of the following core components;  Responsible Board oversight; A strong and independent Money Laundering Compliance Officer (MLCO);  Adoption of the risk-based approach as per the Cayman AML regulations and laws, as amended from time to time; Policies and Procedures; and Ongoing organisation wide Training.

3. Due Diligence Procedures
Identify a customer, whether a customer in an established business relationship or a one-off transaction, and whether natural, legal person or legal arrangement and shall verify the customer’s identity using reliable, independent source documents, data or information;  Verify that a person purporting to act on behalf of a customer is properly authorized and identify and verify the identity of the person;
 Identify a beneficial owner and take reasonable measures to verify the identity of the beneficial owner, using the relevant information or data obtained from reliable sources, so as to be satisfied that the person knows the identity of the beneficial owner; Understand and obtain information on, the purpose and intended nature of a business relationship; and Conduct ongoing due diligence on a business relationship including o Scrutinising transactions undertaken throughout the course of the business relationship to ensure that transactions being conducted are consistent with the person’s knowledge of the customer, the customer’s business and risk profile, including where necessary, the customer’s source of funds; and o Ensuring that documents, data or information collected under the customer due diligence process is kept current and relevant to customer due diligence, by reviewing existing records at appropriate times, taking into account whether and when customer due diligence measures have been previously undertaken, particularly for higher risk categories of customers. The Company follows the domestic legislation as required by Marshall Islands, however we do follow stricter rules and legislation when it comes to AML procedures and will continue to keep in place the AML procedures in order to safeguard and act honestly, fairly always acting in the best interest of the clients. The Company also has a policy of processing withdrawals only to the same bank accounts as initial deposits.

4. Confidentiality
The personal data we receive is handled in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy. Please note that the reason for the identification procedure is to comply with laws against money laundering and financing terrorism, not because we suspect you of committing illegal acts.
Accordingly, your cooperation and understanding of these steps is necessary to effectively combat money laundering and financing terrorism. Each of the affiliates of the Company is required to comply with AML and KYC policies. All identification documents and services records shall be kept for the minimum period of time required by the law. All new employees shall receive anti money laundering training as part of the mandatory new-hire training program. All applicable employees are also required to complete AML and KYC training annually. Participation in additional targeted training programs is required for all employees with dayto-day AML and KYC responsibilities. This policy is intended for the protection of the Company and our clients. If you have any questions about the policy, please contact: [email protected]

Client Agreement

Under the terms of a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), Otet Group Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company), on the one hand, and the natural person filling out the registration form to open trading account with the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Client) on the other hand, collectively referred to as Parties, have concluded this Agreement:
Client Agreement
Under the terms of a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”), Otet Group Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company), on the one hand, and the natural person filling out the registration form to open trading account with the Company (hereinafter referred to as the Client) on the other hand, collectively referred to as Parties, have concluded this Agreement:
1. General Provisions
1.1. This Client Agreement and its Addendum thereto as well as any information set forth on the official website of the Company, determine conditions of rendering by the Company of services to the Client regarding trade operations in the international exchange market (FOREX) and contracts for difference (CFDs), including all accompanying services and non-trading operations as well as rights and obligations of the Parties arising in connection to the procedure of rendering and execution of such services.
1.2. Services of the Company hereunder are as follows:
a. opening and maintaining Personal Area and trading account(s) of the Client;
b. providing the Client with access to trading platform allowing to obtain information and quotes from the Company, and to perform trade operations;
c. executing trading and non-trading orders of the Client. Trading and non-trading orders execution leads to funds amount change on Client’s account;
d. providing information and consulting services (training sessions and training materials, analytical articles and research, investment and financial advisory services, technical support, etc.). Service shall be considered rendered, if Personal Area of the Client has been registered or any trade or nontrading operation has been processed, including funds crediting to the Client’s account.
1.3. To receive services of the Company the Client is to complete Personal Area registration procedure on the Company’s official web-site: fill in registration form and accept this Agreement. Acceptance of the present Agreement by the Client shall mean that the Client have thoroughly read it, fully understood and agreed with all terms and conditions thereof.
1.4. The Client agrees that the Company has the right to unilaterally amend, add, rename or leave without changes any services rendered under the present Agreement with the notification of the Client within the period and under the conditions provided herein. Any amendments, additions, renaming of the services shall take effect immediately after notification of the Client in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 3 herein.
1.5. The Client confirms that the present Agreement applies to the services that may be changed, added or renamed in future in addition to those services that are rendered to the Client at the moment of registration and opening of trading account.
1.6. All financial instruments, transactions to which are performed by the Client in accordance with the terms of the present Agreement, are for settlement. Physical transfer of currency or underlying assets (assets in the basis of the contract) does not take place during contract execution.
1.7. With respect to the Client’s trading operations, the Company executes orders, as well as performs transactions contained herein, without providing trust management and without giving recommendations. Information or research materials published on the official website of the Company, or services provided to the Client in any other way, including through the trade copier services, as well as the private opinion or advice of any third party, do not constitute recommendations for any possible trade solutions. The Client is fully liable for all trading operations on his trading account and for his investment decisions.
2. Procedure of Opening of Trading Account
2.1. In order to open trading account in the Company the Client shall take registration procedure on the official website of the Company – fill out registration form for opening of trading account and accept this Agreement.
2.2. When undergoing registration procedure, the Client may select one of several available types of trading accounts offered by the Company. Specific conditions and peculiarities of service rendering for each type of trading accounts offered are available on the official website of the Company and are the integral part of the present Agreement.
2.3. A person who has filled out registration form for opening of trading account shall be deemed individual whose data is specified in such registration form. The Company does not assume any responsibilities for invalidity and/or unauthenticity of the information provided by the Client during opening of the trading account. The Client assumes responsibility for authenticity and validity of the data provided to the Company, as well as for any potential consequences resulting from its invalidity and/or unauthenticity.
2.4. After filling out registration form, confirmation of registration data of the Client and accepting of the present Agreement a trading account will be opened for the Client, and corresponding codes (login and password) are generated and presented to the Client that provide the Client with access to the personal account and Client’s terminal. Access codes (login and password) are used for Client identification during performance of transactions and management of trading account and funds on it. Login is provided once and cannot be changed in future. Password can be changed at any time at the request of either Party. Changing of the password by the Client him/herself can be performed at any time and does not require notification of the Company. When password is changed on the initiative of the Company corresponding notice is sent to the Client’s email address, set forth by the Client as a contact email.
2.5. The Client can open and manage account in USD or EUR at the Client’s discretion. Account can also be opened in other currencies. The Client can find out the list of available currencies on the official website of the Company or by contacting Client support service.
2.6. The Client gets automatically generated Phone Password (code word) after trading account
registration. This password is used for identification of the Client, when the Client orders trading operations execution via phone or requests information about trading account balance via phone.
2.7. To confirm request on operation of fund withdrawal from the Client’s account an SMS message with dynamic password will be generated and sent to the Client’s mobile phone that was previously indicated by the Client in the registration form. All requests to withdraw funds from the Client’s account, which are not confirmed by a dynamic password, will be automatically rejected.
2.8. The Client assumes complete responsibility for confidentiality of the credentials of his/her trading account, as well as for any trading and non-trading transactions on the account performed by a person duly authorized within trading platform, on official website or server of the Company using credentials of the Client’s trading account. All messages transferred to the Company by a person duly authorized within trading platform, on official website or server of the Company using credentials of the Client’s trading account shall be deemed issued directly by the Client.
2.9. In case of loss of password by the Client the Company has the right to change existing password at the Client’s request. List of the documents needed for Client’s identification is determined by the Company individually.
3. Information Exchange
3.1. Labor Hours of the Company: around the clock from 00:00 Monday to 24:00 Friday EET (Eastern European Time: GMT+2 winter time, GMT+3 summer time).
3.2. Labor off Hours of the Company: from 00:00 Saturday to 24:00 Sunday EET (Eastern European Time:
GMT+2 winter time, GMT+3 summer time). In addition, the Company’s non-working time include the days of international holidays, entailing the closure of financial markets and stopping the trade of financial instruments, provided in the trading platform. Also, in the event of changes made by liquidity providers, the Company has the right to make appropriate adjustments to the schedule of trading instruments.
3.3. The Company can use following media for communication with the Client:
a. email;
b. internal mail of trading platform;
c. facsimile communication;
d. phone;
e. mail;
f. announcements on the official website of the Company.
3.4. The Company shall use for communication with the Client only those details provided by the Client when opening trading account or changed by the Client later in accordance with the established procedure.
Correspondence and information sent by the Company to the particulars set forth by the Client shall be deemed duly sent and the Client does not have the right to refer to invalidity or change of such particulars if the Company has not been notified by the Client beforehand and contact information has been changed inappropriately.
3.5. Any correspondence and information (documents, announcements, notifications, confirmations, requests, reports, messages, etc.) shall be deemed received by the Client:
a. immediately after its sending to the Client’s e-mail;
b. immediately after its sending via internal mail of trading platform;
c. immediately after its sending via fax;
d. upon the ending of the phone call;
e. after 7 calendar days from the date of mailing;
f. one hour after publication of an announcement on the official website of the Company;
g. one hour after publication of announcement in Personal Area.
3.6. Correspondence and information sent by the Company to the particulars specified by the Client, namely to Client’s e-mail; specified fax; mail address; via internal mail of trading platform; or publication of the information on the official website of the Company shall be sufficient written notification.
3.7. The Client agrees that the Company has the right to delete messages that are not received by the Client via internal mail of client terminal after three calendar days from the date of sending of such messages.
3.8. The Client agrees that the Company has the right to keep record of oral and phone negotiations with the Client. Such records shall be Company’s property and can be published as evidence of requests and instructions issued by the Client, and other facts of interaction between the Company and the Client, furthermore, records are used for improvement of Client experience.
4. Rights and Liabilities of Parties
4.1. Client has a right:
a. Contact Company or an authorized provider of services of the third party and receive from them quotations and the information with the purpose of making trading transactions in financial markets.
b. Conduct trading transactions in financial markets with the help of the trading platforms (software) provided by Company.
c. Request and obtain from Company any information related to current status of his/her account on the first demand provided that there are technical facilities for communication between Company and Client.
d. At any time to dispose with free money funds on his/her account (with the deduction of credit funds), upon that, this amount shall not exceed balance.
e. Send Company his/her instructions (requests and orders) on trading transactions in financial markets solely with the help of client terminal or over the phone.
4.2. Client guarantees that:
a. He/she has a full legal capacity.
b. He/she has attained majority.
c. He/she has essential authorities to conduct current Agreement, send requests and orders as well as to fulfill their liabilities under the present Agreement.
d. Conclusion of the present Agreement by Client and making (non) trading transactions including other actions under the present Agreement shall not violate any law, regulation and rules applied to Client or under the jurisdiction of Client’s residency. Breach of the present term of the Agreement by Client does not imply any responsibility of Company as well as for the actions arising hereof.
e. Entire information provided by Client under the present Agreement is veracious, accurate and full in all aspects.
f. He/she fully undertakes liabilities and responsibility for all possible consequences which may result from his/her actions under the present Agreement.
g. Client shall be a sole authorized user of Company’s services under a trading account, shall be fully responsible for confidentiality and safety of access details.
h. Client will not use two or more affiliated accounts in the Company registered for other people.
i. He won’t use two or more trading accounts in the Company to open opposite directed trades on the same trading instruments.
j. Client confirms non-criminal origin, lawful possession and right for the funds debited to trading account in Company.
k. Trading systems used by the Clients do not aim at using possible software vulnerabilities.
l. Client’s actions are not aimed at gaining unjustified profit by inflicting loss to the Company, including by using found vulnerabilities, errors and problems of trading platform or Company resources.
m. Client will not use trading strategies that are not economically viable without usage of Company’s promotions and services including Company’s partner program.
n. He won’t use trading strategies, which can lead to the risk of funds losses, exceeding trading account balance.
4.3. Client shall:
a. comply with the terms and fulfill liabilities provided by the present Agreement, Appendixes hereto and in information published on the official website of the Company and specified in this Agreement and Appendixes hereto.
b. pay for Company’s services totally and timely.
c. provide the Company with actual identification information and data, and immediately inform the Company on any changes thereof. The Client shall be responsible for any consequences regarding failure to notify the Company about changes of identification information and data.
d. avoid disclosure of credentials and other information used for Client’s identification for performance
of trading transactions and management of trading account and its funds to any third parties.
e. in the event there is a negative balance on his trading account, Client is entitled to depositing his own funds to bring account to zero within 10 (ten) calendar days on Company’s requirement.
f. immediately inform the Company about vulnerabilities, errors and problems in trading platform or on Company’s resources.
4.4. Company has the right to:
a. request a proper fulfillment of the terms hereunder by Client.
b. request from Client provision of data and information required and sufficient for appropriate
identification of the Client when opening trading account and performing trading and non trading transactions
by the Client.
c. in case of improper execution by Client of his/her obligations hereunder terminate this Agreement unilaterally and deny access of the Client to the services, provided in accordance with the present Agreement.
d. in order to prevent fraud, money laundering and other conflict situations Company has the right to demand Client’s identification at any time. Client’s identification shall be performed in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 6 herein.
e. Disable accounts of the Client if he/she connects to the trading server using software of third parties not listed on the Company’s website.
f. Suspend the service or reject providing the service to the Client without giving reason therefor.
4.5. Company shall:
a. Provide Client with capability to perform trading and non-trading transactions in exchange markets under the terms and in accordance with procedures provided herein.
b. Provide services in accordance with the terms of the present Agreement in quality manner.
c. Timely and properly fulfill its obligations hereunder.
d. Take all necessary measures to maintain confidentiality of the information retrieved from the Client.
5. Non-trading operations
5.1. In order to provide the possibility to perform trading transaction the Client shall on his own fund his trading account through the transfer of his own money to the Company’s accounts to the bank details, specified in the personal account. The account can also be credited using all other methods set forth on the official website of the Company and available to the Client from his/her personal account.
5.2. The Client acknowledges and agrees that the Company will not pay the Client any interest for money deposited on his/her trading account, unless otherwise provided by additional marketing activities and services as presented in the website of the Company.
5.3. Withdrawal of available funds from the trading account (excluding credit funds and not exceeding the account balance) can be done by the Client at any moment at his/her discretion excluding the cases set forth herein and in appendixes hereto.
5.4. Account funding as well as withdrawal of funds from the account can be made in USD, EUR and other currencies, list of which the Client can get in the Client Area and by contacting Customer Support Service.
5.5. When funding trading account with currency other than the currency of trading account, the credited money is converted into the currency at the internal exchange rate of the Company. Internal exchange rates of the Company are set at the discretion of the Company depending on market situation, market volatility and other external and internal factors, any references to exchange rates in other sources are unauthorized. Up-todate internal exchange rates of the Company are published in the Client Area.
5.6. Terms and procedure of funds transfer.
5.6.1. When making operation of funding account in the Company the sender’s data have to completely match with the Client’s data mentioned in the Client Area. In case of revealing the fact of funds transfer from third parties, the Company has the right, but is not obliged to:
• refuse to credit funds;
• block fully or partially the Client’s access to the services of the Company;
• cancel transactions made on the Client’s accounts;
• forcibly return to the sender’s details the balance from the Client’s account, but not more than the amount of the net receipt of funds (the sum of all Client’s deposits minus the sum of all the Client’s withdrawals);
• withhold all costs for the transfers’ refund from third parties.
5.6.2. Funds from the trading account should be withdrawn in the same way and in the same currency to the bank account or electronic payment system with which the deposit was made in a proportional amount. When withdrawing funds, the beneficiary’s data should exactly agree with the Client’s data in the Client area and completely match with the Client’s identity documents.
5.6.3. Depending on the deposit methods used by the Client, the Company has the right to:
• determine at its own discretion by what method and in what currency the Client can withdraw funds;
• reject a withdrawal request indicating in the comment by which payment system and in what currency the Client can create a request to withdraw funds from the trading account;
• Request documents for verification of a withdrawal method proposed by the Company to the Client and (or) to fund a Client’s trading account by using the mentioned method.
5.7. Crediting of funds to the trading account of the Client shall be performed by the Company within one working day from the date of receipt of the money on Company’s accounts or from the date of receipt of order for money transfer between the accounts within the Company.
5.8. The Client can perform funds transfer from his/her trading account to another trading account that belongs to him/her within the Company. Company reserves the right to prohibit internal transfers between Client’s accounts at its sole discretion.
5.9. In case if trading accounts, between which funds are transferred, are handled in different currencies, then currency conversion during the transfer is performed at the internal exchange rates of the Company; information on the current state of such exchange rates is available on the official website of the Company and in the Customer Support Service.
5.10. Withdrawal of funds from the trading account that has open positions can be only performed within the limits of free margin on the account (excluding credit funds and not more than the account balance at the moment of order). If the amount of money withdrawn by the client (including fees, charges and other expenses) exceeds the amount of free margin of the trading account, then the Company reserves the right to decline such an order.
5.11. If Client has open positions involving the instruments on which trading sessions are closed by the moment of handling of the Instruction on withdrawal of money funds, the Company has the right to fully or partly reject such a withdrawal until required trading sessions are opened.
5.12. All withdrawal requests may be confirmed by dynamic password sent in SMS message to the phone number of the Client given in the Client Area. For safety reasons the Company manager has the right to contact the Client by given telephone number for verbal confirmation of withdrawal request.
5.13. All requests for funds withdrawals from the trading account of the Client shall be performed by the Company within the time, specified in the Regulations for non-trading operations.
5.14. All charges and fees connected to the transfer of money and calculations performed by the Parties are paid at the expense of the Client.
5.15. The Client agrees that in case of any failures of the software there may be delays of money crediting to the Client’s trading account. The Company can perform manual crediting of money to Client’s trading account in case of discovering of any failure of software that resulted in delays of automatic money crediting provided that the Client informed helpdesk stuff of the Company about such delay.
5.16. The Client transfers money to the trading account in order to deposit it or to maintain open position at his/her own discretion. The Company does not send any requests to the Client for maintenance of required margin level.
5.17. The Company reserves the right to set limits for minimum and maximum amounts of crediting and withdrawal operations for a period (per once, per day, per month, etc.) for each crediting/withdrawal method.
These restrictions shall be published in the Personal area.
5.18. In any cases when the Company has the right to get commission or other fees from the Client for the provided services in accordance with the terms of the present Agreement, as well as the cases when the Client shall indemnify any expenses incurred by the Company, corresponding amount will be deducted by the Company from the trading account of the Client without further authorization.
5.19. The Company is not obliged to disclose or provide information to the Client about fees or other remuneration, and other expenses incurred by the Company from the trading or non-trading transaction of the Client.
5.20. The Company has the right at its discretion and without giving reasons to refuse connecting or to disable promotions and services, to not credit or to deduct from the Client’s account the payments in full under the Company’s promotions and services (bonuses, rewards, prizes, etc.). In particular, if it’s revealed the Client has a trading strategy that is not economically reasonable without the promotions and services offered by the Company, including the Company’s partner program.
5.21. The Company has the right to fully deduct from the Client’s account the payments made under the Company’s promotions and services (bonuses, rewards, prizes, etc.) in case of funds withdrawal from the account by the Client, including funds transfer to another account.
5.22. The Company has the right to:
5.22.1. Block or permanently delete the Client’s account, on which there are no operations initiated by the Client for more than 30 (thirty) calendar days in a row from the moment of opening the account (deposits, withdrawals, trading operations).
5.22.2. Fully deduct from the Client’s account the payments made under the Company’s promotions and services (bonuses, rewards, prizes, etc.) in case there are no operations initiated by the Client for more than 30 (thirty) calendar days in a row (deposits, withdrawals, trading operations).
5.22.3. Charge a monthly commission in the amount of 1 USD or the equivalent in the account currency for maintaining the Client’s inactive account, on which there are no operations initiated by the Client for more than 90 (ninety) calendar days in a row (deposits, withdrawals, trading operations).
5.22.4. Block the Client’s account, on which there are no operations initiated by the Client for more than 270 (two hundred seventy) calendar days in a row (deposits, withdrawals, trading operations).
5.22.5. Permanently delete the Client’s account, on which there is not enough funds to pay commissions for maintenance of an inactive account.
6. Proof of Identity of the Client and Policy of Money Laundering Prevention
6.1. The “laundering proceeds of crime” (money laundering) in the context of this Agreement shall mean the action aimed at conversion of money and other tangible assets acquired from illegitimate activities (terrorism, drug dealing, illegal arms trade, corruption, human trafficking and others) into the money or investments, origin of which seems legitimate.
6.2. In order to prevent laundering proceeds of crime (money laundering) the Company reserves the right to apply means of internal control and programs for its implementation, and render assistance for international organizations for terrorism financing management.
6.2.1. The Company documents and checks identification data of the Client, and keeps and traces detailed reports on all the transactions performed by the Client.
6.2.2. The Company keeps track of all and any operations of the Clients that may have signs of illegal activity aimed at laundering proceeds of crime, and all operations that were performed under unusual conditions.
6.2.3. The Company does not accept cash as a deposit and does not pay cash under any circumstances.
6.2.4. The Company may refuse processing of operation at any point in case it has sufficient grounds to believe that such operation is somehow related to illegal activities.
6.3. The Client acknowledges that the identification data and information specified by him/her during trading account opening can be used by the Company under the program of prevention of money laundering.
6.4. According to international legislation the Company is not obliged to inform the Client about the fact that the corresponding body is notified about the Client’s suspicious activities.
6.5. The Client agrees that in case the Company has the reason to think that the trading account of the Client is used for money laundering, or that the owner of the account hides and provides misleading identification information and data, as well as in case there is a reason to believe that the transactions on the trading account of the Client have been performed with violation of the present Agreement, the Company reserves the right to suspend all operations on the Client’s trading account in order to conduct all necessary checks (registration data check, identification of the Client, checking of history of non-trading operations and transferring of funds, etc.) until complete explanation of circumstances.
6.6. To comply with recommendations on anti-money laundering, during registration of a trading account by Client and any trading and non-trading transactions, Company has the right to require that submission by Client of two identity and registration proof documents. Moreover, the Company has the right to require Client to submit following documents:
– Photo ID (photo of the Client holding identification document);
– Photocopy of the front of the card used for account funding or that will be used for withdrawals;
– Bank statement clearly indicating the holder of bank card used for account funding or that will be used for withdrawals;
– Photo of the Client on the background of the opened account of electronic payment system;
– Photocopy of any other identification document;
– Photocopy of utility bill issued within the last 3 months;
– Notarized copy of any document mentioned above, contact details of a public notary;
– Other required documents.
Above-mentioned documents are provided in the form of an electronic copy either a notarized copy required by at the discretion of Company.
6.7. It is preferable to provide documents of international sample in English. If documents are provided not in English, the Company has the right to request translation. The documents should be translated in English, printed and signed by a professional translator and provided to the Company with copies of original documents.
6.8. The Client should provide documents requested by the Company within fifteen working days of receipt of the relevant request, as well as meet the following requirements:
– Photos must be of high quality, color, clear and focused;
– The document text must be easily legible, there should be no shadows and highlights that can complicate the information perception;
– the requested document on the image should be presented in full, including lamination corners or edges, as well as the back side (if it contains your data and not empty);
– Graphic editors cannot be used to correct and process images;
– Photo ID (your photo with an identity document you hold) clearly shows your face and it takes up at least 30% of the photo area;
– Proof of address (utilities bill, bank statement, etc.) must be no more than three months old.
Photos taken before the request or sent not from the Client’s e-mail may be rejected by the Company.
6.9. The Company has the right to suspend non-trading operations on the Client’s account including withdrawal operations until the receipt of the documents requested for the purpose of Client identification.
6.10. In case of failure to submit the documents within the 15 calendar days from the moment of request, Company has the right to suspend all trading and non-trading transactions on the Client’s account, unilaterally close all open positions at the current market prices and freeze all the assets on the trading account of the Client.
6.11. In case of failure to provide documents within 30 calendar days from the moment of request, this Agreement is considered terminated and the Company has the right to close opened trades of the Client at current market price, block access to the Client Area, block funds, cancel operations and trades on the accounts of the Client and archive account irreversibly.
6.12. The Client is responsible for the authenticity of the submitted documents (its copies) and recognizes the right of the Company, in the event of doubt as to their authenticity, contact the low enforcement authorities of the country of the document issuer to verify the authenticity of the documents. Upon detection of forgery fact or editing of the identification image in graphical editor this Agreement is considered terminated, and the Company reserves the right to attract the Client to account in accordance with the laws of the country of issuer.
When the Agreement is terminated in accordance with this paragraph, the Company has the right to close opened positions of the Client at current market price, block access to the Client Area, block funds, cancel operations and trades on the Client’s accounts and archive the accounts irreversibly.
7. Confidentiality
7.1. All information submitted by the Client when opening the account and in the course of further interrelations with the Company, as well as information about credentials, provided to the Client for operation, is completely confidential, unless in this Agreement and its Annexes indicated otherwise, and each Party is responsible for confidentiality and use of such information.
7.2. In the event of the Client making a claim against the Company via publicly available resources, the Company reserves the right to disclose obtained information about the Client to fully and objectively review the situation.
8. Responsibilities of the Parties
8.1. Responsibility of the Company:
8.1.1. In case of violation by the Company of terms hereunder due to circumstances the Company is responsible for which resulted in actual damage to the Client, the Client has the right to claim indemnification of actual damage.
8.1.2. The Company does not recompense short-received profit of the Client including the cases, when the Client had an intention to perform some action but did not perform it due to some reason. The Company does not indemnify any indirect losses and moral damage.
8.2. Responsibility of the Client.
8.2.1. The Client assumes total responsibility for all the actions performed by the Client in accordance with the present Agreement.
8.2.2. The Client shall bear sole responsibility for any actions resulting from the use of access codes of Client’s trading account.
8.2.3. In case of violation by the Client of the terms hereunder, responsibility for which is not provided herein, as well as in case of any damage made by the Client to the Company, the Company has the right to write off without further authorization from the Client’s account the amount of money sufficient for indemnification of the damage, and in case of insufficiency of the amount of money on the Client’s accounts for indemnification of the damage made, demand lacking money to be credited by the Client to his/her account for indemnification of the damage.
8.2.4. The request of the Company for the crediting of lacking money for full indemnification of damage shall be satisfied by the Client within 10 (ten) working days.
8.3. Violation of the provisions of the present Agreement by the Client committed within validity term of the Agreement shall be accepted by the Company for settlement irrespective of the prescription of its commitment, and for that reason the Company has the right to make claims to the Client within any timeframe.
8.4. The Client accepts and agrees to bear the full risk associated with the termination or suspension of any of electronic payment systems used by the Client. In such cases, the Company has the right to block the withdrawal of funds from the Client’s trading account, to the extent in which this payment system was used to deposit funds within the last six months. The time of blocking of funds is limited to six months or terminates automatically after the resuming of work of the electronic payment system.
8.5. The Parties assume responsibilities in accordance with the present Agreement and other applicable regulation for failure to fulfill and/or for default in performance of the obligation under this Agreement.
9. Force-Majeure
9.1. The Parties shall not be held liable for failure to fulfill and/or for default in performance of the terms and conditions hereunder if such failure and/or default resulted from force-majeure circumstances; that is, such circumstances that the Parties were not able to reasonably prevent or foresee. Such circumstances include, but not limited to: earthquakes, floods, tsunami, other acts of God, industrial disasters, epidemics and epizootics, terrorist acts, riots, acts and actions of governmental authorities, embargoes, wars and military conflicts, or other circumstances occurring against the will of the Parties and usually referred to as force majeure.
9.2. Circumstances that eliminate liability (force-majeure circumstances), in accordance with this
Agreement, also include illegal actions against the Company, its employees and/or property, including hacker attacks and other illegitimate actions in regards to Company’s servers.
9.3. In accordance with the present Agreement force-majeure circumstances also include suspending of operation, liquidation or shutting down of some market, or absence of some event, on which the Company bases quotes, or implementation of limitations or special and unusual trading conditions in any market or in respect to any such event.
9.4. In case of occurrence of circumstances eliminating liabilities (force-majeure) the Company has the right to perform any or several following actions without prior notification of the Client:
a. Increase marginal requirement;
b. Close any or all open positions of the Client at the price that the Company shall reasonably consider fair;
c. Suspend and/or change implementation of one and/or several provisions of the present Agreement and Appendixes hereto for the period of such force-majeure; d. Perform any other actions (or abstain from performance of any actions) in regards to the Company, Client and other clients, the Company considers it to be reasonable under such circumstances.
9.5. The Party, for which failure to fulfill or default in performance of the terms hereunder was caused by force- majeure circumstances, shall inform the other Party about such circumstances within thirty calendar days from the date of the occurrence thereof.
9.6. The Party that fails to inform the contractor about the occurrence of such force-majeure circumstances does not have the right to refer to such circumstances as force-majeure.
10. Procedure of Dispute Settlement
10.1. Possible disputes and contradictions that arise from the execution of the present Agreement subject to settlement through the negotiations between the Parties.
10.2. In case of any dispute the Client who considers his/her interests to be violated, shall submit a claim to the Company.
10.3. Deadline for a claim:
10.3.1. The claim, submission of which is based on the relation of the Parties in regards to performance of trading transactions in exchange markets, shall be submitted by the Client within three working days from the date of appearance of ground for submission of such claim.
10.3.2. The claim, submission of which is connected with performance of non-trading operations and other reasons, shall be submitted by the Client within 5 (five) working days from the date of occurrence of the grounds for submission of such claim.
10.3.3. Failure to submit a claim by the Client within specified timeframe shall be deemed confirmation of the Client’s agreement with Company’s actions and absence of any disputes and controversies.
10.4. A claim submitted by the Client with violation of stated period shall not be considered by the Company.
10.5. The claim shall be executed by the Client in the form of e-mail and/or via ticket system in the personal account, and sent to the official electronic addresses published on the official website of the Company. Claims submitted in other form (at public Internet resources, by phone, by fax or in any other way), shall not be considered.
10.6. The claim must have following content:
a. Name and last name of the Client;
b. Login for trading platform;
c. Description of dispute.
10.7. The claim submitted on the ground of trading transactions in exchange markets shall include the following:
a. Date and time of occurrence of dispute (trading platform time is used);
b. Ticket (number) of disputable position or pending order;
c. Regulatory document name and number of paragraphs that was violated by the Company according to the Client’ opinion;
d. What actions the Company shall take to satisfy the claim according to the Client’s opinion.
10.8. The claim shall not contain:
a. Emotional evaluation of the dispute;
b. Abusive statements in regards to the Company and/or its employees;
c. Swear words.
10.9. The Company has the right to decline a claim of the Client in case of failure to comply with the terms of execution and sending of such claim set forth in Procedure of dispute resolution section of this Agreement, and if the order under question was performed at the expense of the Company or profit mainly generated with the help of the Company’s funds.
10.10. The Company considers a claim and makes a decision regarding disputable situation within the shortest possible timeframe. In case of availability of all data required for claim consideration term of its consideration shall be:
10.10.1. for the claims based on the trading transactions in exchange markets – ten working days from the receipt.
10.10.2. for the claims regarding other issues – twenty calendar days from the date of receipt.
10.11. In case if the Company has to request additional data and/or documents from the Client for the purpose of consideration of a claim, the beginning date of claim consideration shall be the date of receipt of all requested data and/or documents by the Company from the Client.
10.12. Log file of the server shall be the main source of information during settlement of disputes regarding trading transactions of the Client in exchange markets. Information contained in log file of server supersedes any other arguments during settlement of dispute, including information contained in the log file of client terminal.
10.13. In case the claim is considered to be reasonable settlement shall be performed in the form of compensatory payment credited to the Client’s trading account. The Company does not indemnify short received profit of the Client including the cases, when the Client intended to take some action, but failed to do so due to some reason. The Company does not indemnify any indirect losses and moral damage.
10.14. In case of making a decision in favor of the Client on the disputable situation the Company shall credit compensatory payment to the trading account of the Client within one working day.
10.15. Peculiarities, specific conditions and possible ways of settlement of disputes regarding trading transactions performed by the Client are described in more details in respective sections of Regulations for performance of trading transactions, which is the Appendix to the present Agreement.
10.16. In case any dispute occurs that is not described herein and in appendixes hereto final decision on such claim shall be made by the Company based on common market practice, internal policy of the Company and Company’s vision of fair settlement of dispute. The Company can also use quotes from any other market maker for the comparative analysis of the quotes.
10.17. In case of failure to come to an agreement in the course of negotiations and/or disagreement of the Client with the decision made by the Company, the disputes subject to submission for consideration in the court of competent jurisdiction in accordance with the established provision of law.
11. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
11.1. The present Agreement is executed and applied in accordance with legal regulations of the Company’s country of incorporation. In case of any issues that are not provided for in this Agreement the Parties shall be guided by the applicable legal regulations of Company’s country of incorporation.
11.2. All disputes and controversies that cannot be settled through the negotiations between the Parties subject to submission to the court of competent jurisdiction of Company’s country of incorporation.
11.3. The Parties agree:
a. That courts of Company’s country of incorporation have the right of exclusive jurisdiction concerning the present Agreements;
b. That they refuse any protests regarding dispute settlement resulting from the present Agreement in the courts of Company’s country of incorporation;
c. Never to make claims grounded by the fact that such settlements are inconvenient in regards to their location or that they do not have legal force in regards to any Party.

12. Amendment and Termination of the Agreement
12.1. The present Agreement between the Company and the Client becomes effective from the date of opening Personal Area by the Client in the Company and shall remain effective within the uncertain term.
12.2. The Company has the right to unilaterally change and add this Agreement with the necessary notification of the Client about it. Any changes and additions hereto shall become effective on the following calendar day after notification the Client about it, unless otherwise is set forth within the content of such changes and additions or within the content of the notice thereof. Conduction of any trade or non-trading operation by the Client means unconditional acceptance of this Agreement by the Client.
12.3. Each Party has the right to refuse unilaterally performance of the present Agreement with the notification of other Party not less than fifteen calendar days prior to the supposed date.
12.4. In case of breach by the Client of terms of the present Agreement, and in cases set forth by legislation rules, the Company has the right to immediately and unilaterally terminate this Agreement. In this case, if the Client has some open positions at the moment of termination of the Agreement, the Company has the right to close such positions at current market price. Company shall recover the funds remaining on Client’s account to Client or his/her duly authorized representative, but these funds shall not exceed net receipt of funds (the amount of all deposit with deduction of all withdrawals) on accounts of Client. Upon that, Company shall debit remains of funds on Client’s account and won’t recover these funds further.
12.5. The Client agrees that the Company has the right at its own discretion to suspend or deny fully or partially Client’s access to Company’s services with further notification of the Client about it. In this case effect of this Agreement shall be deemed suspended or it shall be deemed terminated from the moment of such suspending and/or cessation of service rendering for the Client.
12.6. The Company has the right without Client’s consent to transfer rights and obligations hereunder and under appendixes hereto fully or partially to a third party provided that such legal successor agrees with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and appendixes hereto. The Client shall be notified by the Company in writing about such transfer of rights and obligations not less than fifteen calendar days before such transfer.
12.7. In case of cessation by the Company of performance regulated by this Agreement the Company shall inform the Client about such cessation not later than one month before. All money on the trading account of the Client shall be returned to him/her after closing of all open positions.
12.8. In case of Client’s death (an individual) the right to request money withdrawal from the trading account of the Client shall transfer to the successors of corresponding priority or heir by will. In this case the right to use trading account of the Client and the right to perform trading transactions in exchange markets is not inherited.
12.9. Cessation of the present Agreement does not cancel obligations of the Parties before each other that occurred earlier out of this Agreement including any obligations regarding open positions, transactions for withdrawal/crediting of money to the trading account of the Client.
12.10. In the event that any provisions of this Agreement shall be determined null and void by a court of competent jurisdiction, this provision is to be regarded as an independent part of this Agreement, and will not affect legal effect of other parts of this Agreement.
13. Appendixes and Information about the Company
13.1. The addendum listed below shall be the integral part of the present Agreement:
a. Addendum No.1 – Terms and definitions
b. Addendum No.2 – Risk disclosure statement
c. Addendum No.3 – Bonus policy
d. Addendum No.4 – Fraud warning
e. Addendum No.5 – Privacy policy
13.2. Information published on the official website of the Company shall also be the integral part of thisAgreement.
14.Transaction Request Thresholds in Customer Contract
14.1. If the number of requests sent by the customer to the server exceeds 1,000 transactions within a 300-second timeframe, the trading account will automatically switch to "read-only" mode.
a. In the event that the aggregate quantity of transaction requests surpasses 225 positions within a span of 5 minutes during the trading session, this provision of the customer contract shall become applicable.
14.2. If the number of requests sent by the customer to the server exceeds 10,000 transactions within a 3,600-second timeframe, in that case, the trading account will be blocked.
a. Moreover, should the cumulative quantity of transaction requests exceed 2700 positions within a duration of one hour during the trading session, this clause of the customer contract shall likewise come into effect.

15.Use of Robots with API Integrations and Connectivity
15.1. Acceptance of Policy Regarding Unacceptable Trading Practices
Client acknowledges and agrees to abide by the Brokerage's policy regarding unacceptable trading practices, including but not limited to actions against side markets of feed price and high-frequency trading ("Unacceptable Practices"). Client understands that engaging in Unacceptable Practices is strictly prohibited and may result in termination of their account with the Brokerage.
15.2. Documentation and Reason of Trade
In accordance with the Brokerage's policy, Clients utilizing Robots for trading purposes are required to provide additional documentation and reasons for trades executed through API integrations and connectivity. Client agrees to furnish all necessary documentation and explanations as requested by the Brokerage to justify trades made through Robots.
15.3. Termination of Account
The Brokerage reserves the right to terminate Client's account without prior notice in the event of:
a. Engaging in Unacceptable Practices as outlined in Section 1 of this Agreement.
b. Failure to provide requested documentation and reasons for trades as outlined in Section 2 of this Agreement.
c. Any violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or the Brokerage's policies and regulations.
15.4. Acceptance
Client acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, including the policies regarding Unacceptable Practices and documentation requirements for trades made through Robots.
15.5. Investigation, Anti-Toxic Volume Measures, and Termination Clause
a. Should the client-customer engage in trading activities that result in profitable outcomes through the aforementioned methods, the entirety of funds held within the account, excluding the initial deposits, shall be subject to investigation and anti-toxic volume scrutiny. During this investigative phase, the client-customer shall be prohibited from withdrawing any profits derived from such trading activities. Furthermore, these additional funds shall remain non-withdrawable until the completion of the investigation and confirmation of compliance with anti-toxic volume regulations.
b. This clause is enacted to safeguard the integrity of trading operations and to mitigate the potential financial risks associated with toxic volume trading practices. The brokerage shall uphold its duty to ensure fair and transparent trading conditions for all clients, while also maintaining regulatory compliance and protecting its financial interests.
c. By engaging in trading activities with the brokerage, the client-customer hereby acknowledges and agrees to abide by the terms outlined in this clause, and any breach thereof may result in immediate account termination and corrective actions as deemed necessary by the brokerage's legal department.
d. In the event that the trader (herein referred to as "client-customer") engages in trading activities and executes positions using toxic volume via API connectivity facilitated by expert readers, resulting in detrimental financial outcomes for the brokerage, the brokerage reserves the right to terminate the client's account. Upon such termination, the brokerage shall correct the account balance to reflect only the initial deposits made by the trader. This correction shall be executed promptly and without prejudice, pending further investigation and verification by the legal department.
16. Hedging Policy: Guidelines and Prohibitions
In adherence to the Otet Group Ltd Client Agreement, our hedging policy is established to provide clear directives and prohibitions regarding hedging activities within our trading environment. Hedging, the practice of maintaining both long and short positions on the same financial instrument concurrently, is permitted as a trading strategy for clients. This approach offers investors flexibility in managing their investment portfolios and mitigating market risks effectively. However, it is imperative for clients to recognize that hedging with the intent of exploiting price discrepancies or engaging in spread arbitrage is strictly forbidden within our trading ecosystem. Any attempt to do so undermines market integrity and may lead to the immediate closure of the client's account.
Moreover, clients are explicitly advised against participating in hedging activities across multiple Trader Orbit55 LTD accounts or with other similar evaluation firms. Group hedging, the practice of executing opposing trades on the same asset across multiple accounts simultaneously, is expressly prohibited within our trading environment. While this tactic may seek to capitalize on price fluctuations while minimizing market risk, it conflicts with our commitment to fair and transparent trading practices. Therefore, clients are urged to comply with these guidelines to uphold a level playing field for all participants and preserve the integrity of our trading ecosystem.
In accordance with the Otet Group Ltd Client Agreement, adherence to the established hedging policy is essential for maintaining a fair and transparent trading environment. Any violations of these guidelines will be subject to stringent disciplinary actions, including the potential closure of the client's account. We encourage all clients to familiarize themselves with our hedging policy and adhere to its provisions to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and uphold the integrity of our trading platform.
17. Prohibition of Latency Trading in Trader Orbit55 LTD Client Agreement
The Trader Orbit55 LTD Client Agreement unequivocally prohibits latency trading, an act that exploits delays in trade execution to gain unfair advantages in the market. Recognizing that such practices undermine the fundamental principles of fair and transparent trading, Trader Orbit55 LTD strictly prohibits any activities associated with latency trading within its trading environment. This includes trading on delayed charts and the utilization of delayed data feeds, which provide traders with an unfair advantage over others. By engaging in latency trading, traders create artificial buying or selling pressure, distorting market prices and disrupting the natural balance of supply and demand.
Otet Group Ltd is steadfast in its commitment to maintaining a level playing field for all traders and upholding the integrity of financial markets. Any violation of the prohibition on latency trading outlined in the Client Agreement will be met with stringent disciplinary measures. These measures may include account termination and legal action to ensure compliance and preserve market fairness. Through these actions, Otet Group Ltd reaffirms its dedication to transparency, fairness, and trustworthiness in the financial markets.
Furthermore, Trader Orbit55 LTD continually monitors trading activities to detect and prevent any attempts at latency trading or other unfair practices. Our dedicated team of compliance professionals employs advanced monitoring tools and surveillance techniques to ensure that all trading activities adhere to the highest standards of integrity and compliance. Additionally, we provide ongoing education and training to our clients to raise awareness about the risks associated with latency trading and the importance of ethical trading practices. By fostering a culture of compliance and ethical conduct, Trader Orbit55 LTD aims to promote a fair and transparent trading environment where all participants can trade with confidence and trust in the integrity of the market.

Fraud Warning

In no circumstances would the Company or any of its subsidiaries and affiliates companies or any of its employees initiate unsolicited emails or telephone calls requesting organizations or individuals to invest in or trade online in financial instruments in any project or transaction, nor to disclose or confirm personal or financial information, the Company will never request from individuals to transfer fund to personal Accounts not in the name of the Company. The Company official website operates only under one domain name, and is not connected with the hosts of any other websites that may look similar to its official website. You may access the Company website by typing the above domain name into the address barof your browser, or by bookmarking the genuine website, or contact us through official phone numbers mentioned in our website.If you receive any suspicious messages or identify any suspicious websites that purport to be related to the Company, please email: [email protected] or contact our customer services on the official phone number to confirm your engagement with us.

Conflicts of Interest Policy
Conflicts of Interest Policy The scope of the Policy is to ensure that the Company complies with all legislative requirements and the departmental and general internal procedures established by its Internal Procedures Manual and to take all reasonable steps to identify and manage any conflicts of interest that may arise between us and any of our clients or between our clients.The Company is required to establish, implement and maintain a policy on conflicts of interest and provide information regarding the adequate managing of any conflicts of interest between itself, including its managers and employees, tied agents or other relevant persons, as well as any person directly or indirectly linked to them by control, and their clients or between one client and another that arise in the course of providing any investment and ancillary services. 1. Introduction Trader Orbit55 LTD. (hereinafter called as the “Company” or “we” or “our” or “us”) is registered and authorised by the Marshall Islands by number 118922, uses cookies on our websites. By using our websites, you consent to the use of cookies.Conflicts of interests may include any situation where either the Company or an individual is in a position to exploit a professional or official capacity in some way for either corporate or personal benefit. Situations where conflicts of interest can occur include the following: The Company or a relevant person, or a person directly or indirectly linked by control to the Company, is likely to make a financial gain or avoid a financial loss, at the expense of the client. The Company or a relevant person, or a person directly or indirectly linked by control to the Company, has an interest in the outcome of a service provided to the client, or of the transaction carried out on behalf of the client, which is distinct from the client’s interest in that outcome. The Company or a relevant person, or a person directly or indirectly linked by control to the Company, has a financial or other incentive to favour the interest of another client or group of clients over the interests of the client. The Company or a relevant person, or a person directly or indirectly linked by control to the Company, carries on the same business as the client. The Company or a relevant person, or a person directly or indirectly linked by control to the Company, receives or will receive from a person other than the client an inducement in relation to a service provided to the client, in the form of money, goods or services, other than the standard commission or fee for that service. The affected parties if conflict of interest arises can be the Company, its employees or its clients. More specifically, a conflict of interest may arise, between the following parties: Between the client and the Company. Between two clients of the Company. Between the Company and its employees. Between a client of the Company and an employee/manager of the Company. Between Company’s Departments. 2. Independence The following measures have been adopted by the Company for ensuring the requisite degree of independence Measures to prevent or control the exchange of information between relevant persons engaged in activities involving a risk of a conflict of interest (ex: Ethical walls) Separate supervision of relevant persons whose principal functions involve carrying out activities on behalf of, or providing services to, clients whose interests may conflict, or who otherwise represent different interests that may conflict, including those of the Company. Removal of any direct link between the remuneration of relevant persons principally engaged with one activity and the remuneration of, or revenues generated by, different relevant persons principally engaged in another activity, where a conflict of interest may arise in relation to those activities: the remuneration of employees do not relate with clients’ performance. Measures to prevent or limit any person from exercising inappropriate influence over the way in which a relevant person carries out investment or ancillary services or activities. Additionally, the person who decides or influences an individual’s bonus may exert undue influence over that individual’s integrity of judgment. Measures to prevent or control the simultaneous or sequential involvement of a relevant person in separate investment or ancillary services or activities such as reception and transmission of clients’ orders and tasks such as portfolio decision making and calculating performance. 3. The Company’s Senior Management is required to fully engage in the implementation of policies, procedures and arrangements for the identification, management and ongoing monitoring of conflicts of interest; adopt a holistic view to ensure the identification of potential and emerging conflicts within and across business lines and to ensure that informed judgements are made with respect to materiality; raise awareness and ensure compliance of relevant individuals by ensuring: regular training (including to contractors and third-party service providers’ staff) both at induction and in the form of refresher training; the clear communication of policies, procedures and expectations; that awareness of conflicts procedures forms part of the performance review/appraisal process, and that the best practice is shared throughout the Company. sponsor robust systems and controls and effective regular reviews to ensure that strategies and controls used to manage and mitigate risks remain appropriate and effective and that appropriate warnings and disclosures are issued to clients where necessary; utilise management information to remain sufficiently up-to-date and informed; and support an independent review of the processes and procedures in place. 4. Ethical walls The Company has constructed adequate Ethical Walls, in accordance with the legal requirements between its departments and has established clear lines of responsibility, in order to avoid the flow of information held by a person in the course of carrying out a part of its business to be withheld from or used by persons who are in the process of carrying out another part of its business.In particular, barriers have been established in order the flow of information is restricted between employees, access has been limited in relation to information and documentation and communication has been restricted between certain employees during the course of carrying out their parts of business. 5. Disclosure of conflict of interest When the measures taken by the Company to manage conflicts of interest are not sufficient to ensure, with reasonable confidence, that the risk of damage to clients’ interests will be prevented, the Company will disclose the conflicts of interest to the client in order to prevent a risk of damage to clients’ interests. Prior to carrying out a transaction or providing an investment or an ancillary service to a client, the Company must disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest. The disclosure will be in sufficient time, in a durable means. 6. Reporting Conflicts of Interest In the case of identification of a possible conflict of interest, a staff member must refer it initially to his immediate supervisor to assist in the assessment of a material risk of damage and send a completed Notification Form together with full details to allow regulatory scrutiny, of: corrective and preventive actions; how these actions were considered appropriate; any conditions imposed; and whether there are still ongoing conflicts, how these are being managed and advised to the client 7. Record keeping The Company maintains records, which are regularly monitored and updated, of the kinds of investments and ancillary services or investment activities carried out by the Company or on its behalf in which there is a risk for conflict of interest that may damage the interests of one or more clients has arisen.Any conflict of interest shall be reported to the Company’s CEO and Compliance Officer, who shall be responsible for keeping records of conflicts of interest.
Cookie Policy

Trader Orbit55 LTD. (hereinafter called as the “Company” or “we” or “our” or “us”) is registered and authorised by the Marshall Islands by number 118922, uses cookies on our websites. By using our websites, you consent to the use of cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of text placed on your device when visiting the website. They are information, not programs, thus they cannot contain viruses. They allow the Service or a third party to recognise you and make your next visit easier and the Service more useful to you.

How the Company uses cookies

We use both ‘session’ and ‘persistent’ cookies to run the Service. ‘Session’ cookies stay on your device until you stop browsing. ‘Persistent’ cookies stay until they expire or are deleted. The types of cookies used are as follows:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: These cookies are essential, as they enable you to move around the Service and use its features, such as accessing logged in or secure areas.
  • Essential cookies: These cookies allow us to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts.
  • Performance Cookies: These cookies collect information about how you have used the Service. They may also be used to show you have logged in so we can serve you fresher content, or to track aggregate Service usage so we can test new features and changes on the Service. These cookies are often used for load balancing to ensure that the website remains up and running and to improve Service performance.
  • Functionality Cookies These cookies allow us to remember your actions, for example how and when you logged in and out; if you chose to block advertisements; the history of Service tools you’ve used. They also allow us to tailor the Service to provide enhanced features and content for you, and to remember how you customised the Service.
  • Targeting Cookies: These cookies are used to deliver content that is more relevant to you and your interests. This information may be shared with organizations to deliver advertising and help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, or with other business partners to provide aggregate usage statistics and Service testing.
  • Third-party cookies: Third­ party cookies report usage statistics of the Service, or deliver advertisements on and through the Service. Please note that some are essential to our platforms and as blocking them would severely damage performance, no option to opt out is provided.
Limitless Trading Opportunities with OtetMarkets

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Financial affairs (deposit and withdrawal)

Yes, Trader Orbit55 brokerage has a financial activity license and is registered under license number 118922 of the country of Marshall and regulated by the financial and regulatory organization of Commerce under number HY00523012.

Head office of Otet Brokerage is located at Vasili Vryonides St. 6, Gala Court Chambers, 2nd floor, Office 203-204, 63095 Limassol, Cyprus.

First, you need to register and authenticate yourself. Once you have done that, you can become a business partner (IB) with Trader Orbit55 brokerage. Simply go to your user panel, click on the “Create Ticket” option in the support section (Helpdesk), and send your message to the IB department.

Trader Orbit55 brokerage operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and because the cryptocurrency markets are not closed, even on public holidays, the broker support unit is ready to respond to customers.

We firmly believe in the kingdom of our customers, and all the efforts of Otet Group are based on the principle of keeping our professional and business fundamental values, focusing our attention on quick follow-up and accurate response to our customers.

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