Introducing Broker (IB)

Unlocking Opportunities

The World of Introducing Brokers (IBs)

By registering for the Trader Orbit55 IB (Introducing Broker) program, you can earn a reliable and risk-free income from every trade completed by traders. With a rise in traders' financial activity, the greater your earnings as an IB will be.

Who is an Introducing Broker (IB)?

An “Introducing Broker,” or IB, is an individual or organization that refers clients to a broker and receives a commission for every trade those clients make.
To become an IB with Trader Orbit55, you need to register and complete the identity verification process. After approval, you will receive a unique referral link that can be shared on various platforms, including websites and social networks, to attract potential customers to this broker. Then, for each customer who registers and trades through this referral link in Trader Orbit55, you will receive a commission.

The steps to become an Otet Markets IB

Benefits of Becoming an Otet IB

Influencers, bloggers, YouTubers, owners of high-traffic Telegram channels, educators, marketing experts, and online advertisers can become Otet IBs.

Otet's Offer to Business Partners

Individuals interested in becoming Otet IBs can provide the following services to their clients if they wish.
It is important to note that offering such services is entirely optional, and it does not create any responsibility for Otet or IBs.


Distributing a portion of your commission.

Signal Delivery

Guiding traders through their trading journey.


Addressing traders' questions and challenges.

Free Education

Trading education for improving the quality of trades.

Otet's Offer to Business Partners

An IB's income, known as rebates, is calculated based on the trades of the clients they've introduced. A portion of the commission or spread from each sub-client's trades is directly deposited into the IB's wallet, which can be withdrawn. Therefore, the greater the number and volume of client trades, the higher the income for the introducing broker (IB).


Trader Orbit55 Group LTD

A referral link is essentially an introduction link that has been used to introduce you to the broker.

Indeed, Otet offers financial support to IBs collaborating with us. This support is aimed at helping IBs introduce more traders and acquire the necessary capital for advertising.

At Otet, anyone with in-depth knowledge of brokers and the world of financial trading can apply to become an IB. This includes YouTubers, influencers, bloggers, website owners, and others.

IB income, often referred to as a rebate, is generated from the spreads or commissions paid by traders. For example, a portion of the spread or commission paid by a trader for a trade is earned as a rebate by the IB.

Certainly! At Otet, IBs can instantly access information about their activities and monitor the performance of their sub-clients. With each deposit made through the IB's unique link, the exact commission amount is calculated and deposited into the IB's wallet.

The source of income for IBs comes from the trades performed by traders introduced by the IB. If a customer introduced by the IB does not perform any trades, no fees are paid to the IB.

No, becoming an IB at Otet does not require any specific financial capital.

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